In general, women love being touched. It’s an innate part of being female. Men are well-aware of this, and know to touch their woman in places that will drive her wild with desire. However, many men do not know where those perfect spots are, but they can be found by asking your wife or the ladies at a bar. I’ve included a few of the best spots in this article and I guarantee it will make your woman beg for more. If you like the article you can visit for more interesting knowledge on such topics.

How to Touch Your Woman

A lot of men get handsy because they think that’s what women want, but not all women like the same type of touching. Some even don’t like being touched at all , while others cannot get enough of it. So when you’re with your woman, find out what she likes before you start touching her. For instance, a female might not be a fan of heavy ministrations so you don’t want to touch her like you’re massaging a bag of potato chips.

Touch Your Woman and Drive Her Wild

The Right Amount of Touching

Many men just start touching their woman and don’t slow down when they get to know what she really wants from them. However, do not think that if she’s enjoying it too much that means she’s not into it. She might be having too much fun to even realize that you’re trying not to end up with a busted hand. Similarly, if you don’t do anything at all when your woman is in a seductive state, it’s possible she’ll feel like you’re not paying attention to her and stop enjoying herself.

When You Need to Stop Touching Your Woman

If your woman asks that you stop touching her, then I’m sure she’s getting a little carried away. You might not want to stop for several reasons including the fact that you’re trying to keep up with an energetic woman, or simply because she seems like she’s doing great. Remember, though, that if you don’t stop when she asks you to then she’ll feel like you’re not as into it as you could be and might get annoyed with you. So don’t ever let this happen.

The Right Spot to Touch Your Woman

There are certain places that you should NEVER touch a woman. Some of these include:
-Underneath her clothes. It’s important to resist the urge to go under her clothes and feel for yourself what she thinks about what you’ve been thinking about all day. I know it sounds kind of sexy, but it just ends up getting in the way of your relationship.

-Her underwear area. I feel like this is kind of a no-brainer, but some men still can’t figure out that you don’t want to touch the underwear area.

The Right Spot to Touch Your Woman

-Her hairline. Yes, it’s super soft and fluffy, but if you touch a woman’s hairline then she might think that you’re trying to control her or get in her personal space.

-“Areola.” The areola is the dark circle around the nipple. The word comes from the Latin “aréola”, meaning “little circle”. I’m sure you definitely know what I’m talking about, but many men still don’t know that they shouldn’t touch there. if you want more information you can also check out Best Tips and Tricks For Great Sex.

-Moisturizers and lotions are a big no-no! If you put your hands on her lotions , then she’ll definitely feel like you’re just trying to make your palms greasy. Conversely, if a woman puts her hands all over your body , then she probably doesn’t want you to touch hers.

-On top of another woman. I’m sure you know not to touch your woman when there are other women around, but you also need to make sure that she’s not touching any other women either. Think about it, if you’re trying to get action and she’s getting it from another woman, then that just looks bad on you.

-Other sensitive areas include the armpit and the inner thighs. The inner thighs are one of the most sensitive areas on most women and should be handled with extreme caution.

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